


As a professional production company, we will provide a seamless experience when bringing your story to the audiobook market. No wooden readings by narrators who have no relationship to your characters. Your book deserves quality audio with the commitment of talented actors who embody every word you have so carefully written. See our guides below. 


We curate select novella-length manuscripts for production as DUET NARRATION audiobooks. This opportunity is for authors to gain exposure in the audiobook category. We will purchase audio rights for a negotiated time period. All other rights remain with the author. Compensation includes a promotional message directing listeners to the author’s other works. Inquire.

Duet Narration

We will cast male and female voice actors to narrate the point of view narrative and dialogue of your characters according to their unique personas.  Each actor will read every line of their character and exchange dialogue in the same scene with the other actor(s). Your manuscript will be parsed and detailed direction will be added to guide the actors. The process continues with extensive audio engineering to digitally blend each voice. Particular attention to timing and cadence is given to form a conversational flow that remains engaging throughout.  More than two actors may be cast, creating a full cast production. One finished hour averages fifteen hours of production time to complete. 

Dual Narration

We will cast male and female voice actors to narrate the dialogue of all characters while reading the point of view narrative of their main character. Traditionally each chapter is read by one voice actor. Your manuscript will be parsed and detailed direction will be added to guide the actors. The process continues with extensive audio engineering to digitally balance each chapter. Particular attention to timing and cadence is given to form a conversational flow that remains engaging throughout. Digital altering of the vocal range is employed when beneficial for lines read by the opposing sex.  More than two actors may be cast. The more actors, the more complex a project becomes.  One finished hour averages eight hours of production time to complete. 

Single Narration

We will cast one male or female voice actor to narrate the point of view narrative and dialogue of all characters.  A single voice actor will read every line of each character’s dialogue and differentiate with a stylized delivery based on their unique personas. Your manuscript will be given detailed direction to guide the actor. The process continues with extensive audio engineering to balance tonality for a pleasurable listening experience. Adjustments to timing and cadence is given to form a conversational flow that remains engaging throughout. Digital altering of the vocal range is employed when beneficial for lines read by the opposite sex. One finished hour averages five hours of production time to complete

  Full production rates starting at $250.00 PFH for single narration format.

Example of a Duet Narration

Calculate the cost of your manuscript with this formula: 

(Average narration pace is set at 9,000 words per hour. Actual reading pace may average be​tween 8,500 – 10,000 words per hour)

Manuscript word count  ÷  9,000  =  The finished length (in hours) of your audiobook.

Next. Your estimated audiobook length  x  The per finished hour (PFH) rate.

Example:  50,000 words  ÷  9,000  =  5.6 finished hours 

5.6 finished hours  x  $250 PFH rate  =  $1400.00 US for a single narration audiobook at the starting rate.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does production time include?

Our full service production process starts with pre-production preparation. First, a fully developed character profile is created to be communicated to the actors for casting. Auditions are held and reviewed based on these character notes. During pre-production, your script is sorted and coded by character. Directional notes are added to the script to help ensure the exact mood of key lines and scenes are conveyed in the actors’ performances. 

During production, each actor’s file is vetted for audio quality and equalized to create a blended tonality when combined. Then, each file is meticulously edited for background noise, flow, pacing, misreads, distracting mouth noises and each take is carefully considered for suitability in tone, inflection and conversational authenticity. Each dialogue line will need to be spliced individually in Duet format.  Any errors or ill-fitting lines are re-recorded and enter the same process as previously noted before. 

All files are then mastered at the most common industry standards for audiobook production. This includes adherence to chapter headings guidelines, noise floor, normalization, peak limits and room tone time requirements at the beginning and end of each chapter file. Lastly, your entire audiobook receives a quality control review before your files are delivered.

How long does the whole process take?

Though total lead time is effected by the backlog of everyone involved, here is a guideline to use for planning. 

30,000 word audiobook:  3-4 weeks
50,000 word audiobook:  5-6 weeks
90,000 word audiobook: 10-12 weeks

Can CTR Audio handle the file uploading process?

We cannot upload your files unless you allow us access to your publisher account. It’s not a difficult process and we can walk you through it, but if this interests you, please make a request to discuss the specifics of what you need assistance with.

How does casting work?

When producing for hire, you have control over narrator selection. We’ve produced audiobooks with all the voice actors listed on our narrator page, and we love featuring them as a great starting point. They’re all amazing at what they do, and it’s often the case that clients find the right voice there. But we will gladly hold a custom casting call for your specific needs if you prefer. There is no fee for the casting call and regardless of whether you start with a voice actor from our roster, or a new talent recruited for your project, you will receive custom auditions of an excerpt from your manuscript. Do you have a favorite narrator in mind? Special requests are available too.

Which audiobook format is right for my book?

Though we specialize in duet and multicast formats, certain manuscripts benefit more than others from assigned voices for their characters. Duet is best for romance, women’s fiction, suspense, or horror when the characters interact regularly throughout the book with dialogue. Additionally, dramatic and romantic scenes enjoy a heightened sense of realism when characters are voiced in a conversational way between two or more actors. Books with several male and female characters, as with a family, friend group or workplace focused plot, will benefit from duet’s ensemble approach as well. For books with little to no dialogue, as in memoir format or those told mostly from the perspective of an observer, single narration is best. 

Dual narration is popular for books exchanging POV perspectives regularly, usually by chapter. Though a talented narrator can evoke the essence of the many characters appearing in their assigned chapters, a duet audiobook allows for consistency of voice throughout and therefore a stronger vision of and connection with each character without interruption. Dual narration falls in between duet and single narration in cost. When considering duet narration, two actors are most often sufficient for most manuscripts, however, if you have multiple main characters, casting separate voices for each in multicast format can take the listening experience to an even higher level. 

In all, the choice is a balance between what the manuscript calls for and the right investment for you. Let’s talk about your specific needs and we’ll make an amazing audiobook no matter the format.

Should I choose an exclusive contract with ACX or go wide?

It’s no secret Audible currently holds the lion’s share of the audiobook market and including your book in their catalog is for most a no-brainer. Though placing your book exclusively with ACX distribution will garner you higher royalties (40% vs. 25% as of publishing this page) there is much to be earned elsewhere as well. With self-service advertising and control over pricing available to authors and publishers at other retailers, many see the value of expanding their reach. Depending on your genre, certain retailers may offer more exposure. AXC exclusivity will provide you free Audible codes to offer potential new fans, but you are also able to get free codes for other retailers when using a wide distributor. Share your thoughts with us about your plans and we’ll share what we know from experience.